Congratulations to David Medalla and Adam Nankervis participating in the 57th Venice Biennale
in 'Viva Arte Viva' curated by Christine Macel
13 May - 26 November 2017
we are pleased to announce the installation of Ewerdt Hilgemann's Flower sculpture at the innovative EUREF Campus / Gasometer in Berlin Schöneberg
we are very pleased to announce the participation of David Medalla in the 8Th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art at the Queensland Art Gallery in Brisbane, Australia from 21.11.2015 - 10.4.2016
we are happy to announce that the artist herman de vries is representing the netherlands at the venice biennale in a show called: to be ways to be ways ways to be all ways to be
this energetic artist, who turned 84 in july was ambitious enough to conceive an installation of site specific work.
he set off for venice and spent a lot of time collecting plants and artifacts his eye spotted in the environment, the result of which is framed in a work consisting of 125 pieces called 'from the laguna di venezia: a journal (2014-2015)'.
moreover, he made a work 'from earth: the world, 2015', consisting of 84 shades of earth, rubbed with his fingers from ever so many samples from 'the earth museum', his world wide collection.
Ewerdt Hilgemann is showing in Chicago as an aftermath of EXPO Chicago for a period of 12 months (extended til Sept 2017)
Within the IN/SITU Outside programme, one of his large sculptures has been installed at the museum campus, adjacent to the Field Museum alongside those of Giuseppe Penone and Daniel Buren.
"Habakuk (Homage to Max Ernst)", 2014 | BORZO Gallery / The Mayor Gallery
Located on Chicago’s Museum Campus
"Habakuk (Homage to Max Ernst)" is welded from heavy stainless steel plates divided into three parts. Through the use of a vacuum pump, the outside air pressure ‘shapes’ the piece according to the preset circumstances designed by the artist. The final name of Ewerdt Hilgemann’s work always is decided after the process has come to a halt, depending on the associations it brings to the artist. In this case, the birdlike beak form recalls the sculpture Habakuk by Max Ernst, noted in the dedication of the title.
for more information: www.expochicago.com/in-situ
'Habakuk', a homage to Max Ernst,
last sculpture Ewerdt Hilgemann made for the NYC Park Ave Project
Stainless Steel
600 x 200 x 200 cm
20 x 6.5 x 6.5 feet
june 2014 at Arnold AG
Ewerdt Hilgemann
'Manta Ray'
Golden Wallsculpture
150x150x30cm (59x59x12inch)
Stainless Steel, gold coated
made at Arnold AG, Private Collection NYC
Congratulations to Liv Mette Larsen, 2014 Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant recipient
After 20 years of Gallery activities in Berlin, starting 2014,
Kai Hilgemann will focus on Art projects Art advisory worldwide in a more mobile way.
- He will advise and realize an art program for Startupbootcamp Berlin;
- He will continue to intermediate for the artists represented so far;
- He will enforce the Art Advisory of the galleries private and corporate international collections;
- Last, but not least, he will be traveling in order to enhance the prestigious Ewerdt Hilgemann Park Avenue Sculpture Project NYC, scheduled for August through October 2014.
Consequently, he will be spending a longer period in New York as of Spring.
Should you be interested in any of these items, please consult the website: www.kaihilgemann.com,
where you'll find details on the progress of the projects or send an email.
Best wishes for a prosperous and healthy 2014 !
-the year of the horse-
Kai Hilgemann
kai [at] kaihilgemann [dot] com
Cell +49 170 9669 692
Live Implosion of the Dancers NY (Photoshop version), 2013
2 Parts, Stainless & Corten Steel, 600x120x120 cm each
(20 x 4 x 4 ft)
upcoming solo show with Pace London: Graphein will be on display 6 September through 4 October.
focusing on material exploration, the creative gesture, and the spiritual connection between the artist and his work, Sodi seeks to transcend conceptual barriers.
Graphein feature seven graphite large-scale unique and unconventional monochromatic paintings created this year, and continue Sodi's use of pure pigment, sawdust, wood pulp, natural fibers, water and glue.
Sonic Network No.12 - John Aslanidis & Brian May
Sound + Painting Installation
Friday August 9th 2013
Reception 6-9 pm
Sonic Network no. 12 presents a fluid sound and visual experience, initiated by the interplay of Aslanidis' optical painting and May’s immersive soundscape.
Aslanidis has formulated an algorithm that mathematically positions the centre point in relation to one another for each of the radiating circles that traverse his works. This geometrical device acts as a foundation ripe for endless improvisations and alterations, depending on where and how he positions the points on the canvas. This in itself mirrors the way a musical score is structured, through a system of regulated intervals between notes which coalesce to form a whole. May has written an algorithm to directly address this — using a programming language for sound synthesis, called “SuperCollider”. The algorithm determines the frequencies, characteristics and timing of the sound in relation to the intervals. Taking into consideration the palette, structure and composition of the painting, May responds to the moiré (wave-like) patterns, via audio interference of the sine waves (known as beat frequencies) in the sound piece. The sine waves created are thus the purest audio representation of the circular forms, geometric shapes, and reverberating patterns inherent within Aslanidis’ piece.
Order and chaos is present in both the sound piece and the painting, the resulting effect being one of synergy between analogue and digital mediums
The Sonic Network series is part of an ongoing international collaboration between Aslanidis and May exhibiting sound / painting installations in Melbourne and Sydney Australia, Berlin and New York.
Liv Mette Larsen is exhibiting her latest painting series entitled Bushwick Skyline (I-XXI) in a garage space inhabited by an abondoned Cadillac and a haphazard collection of random artifacts on 386 Jefferson St., Brooklyn 11237 from May 31-June 2
Stretched Double and Flower works exhibited at Anningahof Estate, Zwolle/ NL
sculture park opening may 25
Slippery When Wet
449 Troutman St.
Brooklyn, NY 11237
Sat & Sun 12-5pm
Eröffnung am 2.Februar um 17 Uhr : Flottmann Hallen, Stadt Herne, Straße des Bohrhammers
In den Hallen werden erstmals 3 bereits realisierte Skulpturen für das New York Projekt 2014 präsentiert
The SPIEGEL Publishing House is presenting Peter Ruehle's works 'chronicle - mind your own business' 2006-2011 at the lobby from 19.12.2012-31.1.2013
Katrin Korfmann, winner of the Rado Star prize Switzerland 2012, presents her work 'Count for Nothing' at the OFOTO Gallery in Shanghai
opening Tuesday September 18 at 7 pm
The twin brothers Peter & Torsten Ruehle will present their new paintings in New York
499 Van Brunt St. 6A in Brooklyn, NY 11231
open Fr 14th, Sa 15th, So 16th from 1-6pm
We cordially invite you to visit our booth A2 at The Solo Project in St. Jakobshalle in Basel from 13 to 17 June 2012
St. Jakobshalle
Brüglingerstrasse 19-21
CH-4052 Basel
We are pleased to present the Park Avenue Project NY 2014 by the german artist EWERDT HILGEMANN as well as new works by the New York based norwegian painter LIV METTE LARSEN.
On occasion of GALLERY WEEKEND BERLIN we are pleased to announce the temporary exhibition space in Friedrichstrasse 17.
On this location -one of the oldest houses in that famous street- we are presenting a selection of works by artists of the gallery.
we are pleased to announce that a series of paintings by Liv Mette Larsen has been acquired by the Caldic Collection in Wassenaar /Netherlands
Ewerdt Hilgemann
Katrin Korfmann
Anton Lamazares
Liv Mette Larsen
Guillermo Roel
Peter Ruehle
Torsten Ruehle
Stephen Wilks
Friday 27th of january 4-9pm : inauguration of the new gallery location
3 Graces each 600x100x100cm made for Company Messer, Bad Soden
we are pleased to announce the hanging of the organic blue painting 133 x 203 inches
337.82 x 515.62 cm by Bosco Sodi at the IBM lobby in Madison Avenue in New York
Antón Lamazares. 1980-2010, painting retrospective
Museo de Pontevedra
Pasantería, 2-12 - 36002 Pontevedra ES - Phone: +34 986 85 14 55
opening reception: march 25-may 8 2011
Berlin Frames: Marc Schmitz
08. Nov – 17. Dec
Perth Concert Hall
5 St George’s Terrace, Perth
Nov 11-14 booth M30
Pinta New York
Bronx Art Museum, New York
opening oct 28 2010 – jan 2 2011
Ausstellungsverlängerung bis Samstag 23.Oktober 2010
zur Ausstellung erscheint ein Katalog
open studio
7. - 10. Oktober 2010
12-20 Uhr
Zimmerstraße 90/91
10117 Berlin
Experience Pommery # 8
"Nos meilleurs souvenir" par Régis Durand
Domaine Pommery, Reims
opening sep 14
Busan Biennale 2010, Korea
opening sep 11 – nov 20 2010
"Living in Evolution "
Samuel Freeman Gallery, Los Angeles
opening sep 10 2010
Galleries around Checkpoint Charlie
Die Kunst im Zentrum der Stadt - Die Galerien um den Checkpoint Charlie
Eröffnung des Berlin Gallery District am Freitag, den 10. September 2010,
ab 18 Uhr (bis 21 Uhr) in allen teilnehmenden Galerien.
Weltklasse Kunst trifft Weltklasse Wein
In der Galerie Kai Hilgemann stellen sich am 5. September von 12 - 15 Uhr die Weingüter J.Biffar, Lanius-Knab, Dr. F. Weins-Prüm und Wöhrwag vor.
Kartenvorverkauf über:
"Pangaea" in der mexikanischen Botschaft, Berlin.
Eröffnung am 2. September, 19Uhr
Botschaft von Mexico
Klingelhoferstr. 3
10785 Berlin
1st Land Art Biennale, Mongolia
opening aug 8 - oct 25 2010
We are pleased to announce that "Donkey Roundabout " by Stephen Wilks raised 80,000 euros at the auction on June 1, 2010 at Sotheby's.
The work is a donation by the artist for the Rijksakademie endownment fund.
The fund is intended to create a solid basis for production budgets for residents working at the Rijksakademie. In addition to the auction, from september 2010 work will be sold online via the website on an ongoing basis. All the works have been generously donated by artists connected to the Rijksakademie. Viewing days: 28 through to 31 May from 10 AM - 5 PM, Sotheby's, De Boelelaan 30, Amsterdam. More information through www.raef-window.nl
STEPHEN WILKS, Donkey Roundabout, wood, steel, textiles, edition 1/1, + 1 AP, dia: 250 x 210 cm, 2010
ESTIMATE 40.000 - 60.000 EUR
Lot Sold. Hammer Price with Buyer's Premium: 80,000 EUR
Auction at Sotheby’s for the Rijksakademie Artists’ Endowment Fund, June 1, 2010.
The fund is intended to create a solid basis for production budgets for residents working at the Rijksakademie. In addition to the auction, from september 2010 work will be sold online via the website on an ongoing basis. All the works have been generously donated by artists connected to the Rijksakademie. Viewing days: 28 through to 31 May from 10 AM - 5 PM, Sotheby's, De Boelelaan 30, Amsterdam. More information through www.raef-window.nl
KATRIN KORFMANN, King's College (7 hours, 2 days), Cambridge, ultrachrome print edtion 1/2 froman edition of 5 + 2 AP, 145 x 102 cm, 2009
ESTIMATE: 5.000 - 7.000 Euro
Bosco Sodi at PHILLIPS de Pury & Company
sold at $ 45.000 (new record)
Vox Vacuum in der mexikanischen Botschaft, Berlin.
Eröffnung am 6. Mai, 19Uhr
Botschaft von Mexico
Klingelhoferstr. 3
10785 Berlin
21.04. - 20.06.2010
Stephen Wilks in La Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Frankreich
Einweihung der zusätzlichen Galerieräume in der Zimmerstraße 90/91 zum Gallery Weekend Berlin vom 30. April bis 2. Mai.
Eröffnung am Donnerstag 29.April 16 - 21 Uhr
Zur Eröffnungsausstellung mit dem Titel "NEUE RÄUME" präsentieren wir Werke der Künstler PETER RUEHLE und TORSTEN RUEHLE.
Die bisherigen Galerieräume wandeln sich in ein SCHAULAGER der Künstler der Galerie.
Wir laden Sie herzlich zum Frühjahrsempfang am 8. April ab 18 Uhr zur laufenden Ausstellung “TRANSITION” in die Galerie ein.
Bosco Sodi at Independent Art Fair, New York
mestre projects
march 4-7, 2010
at art Karlsruhe
one artist show:
04. - 07.03. 2010
hall 4, booth M 03.2
17. - 21. 02. 2010 Hall 8 booth A40-06
BOSCO SODI at Sotheby's London
Contemporary Art Day Auction
Sale Date: 11 Feb 10 2:00 PM
Sale Number: L10021
ORGANIC ROSA, 186x186cm, 2009
Estimate: 8,000-12,000 GBP
sold at 26.250 GBP
STEPHEN WILKS im Kunstmuseum Magdeburg
Kloster Unser Lieber Frauen
Everyday Ideologies – Zeitläufe, Lebensweg
19.01. - 11. 04. 2010
Centro Cultural da Diputación de Ourense, Spain
Domus Omnia & E fai frio no lume
Berlin works 2005-2009
18.12.2009 - 30.01. 2010
Peter Ruhele in der Italienischen Botschaft in Berlin
Dezember 2009 bis April 2010